Jake Hampson interview



When did your love of books begin?

I began to love reading when I was in 3rd grade, but before that, I loved to hear my dad read books aloud to my sister and me when we were younger. This love of learning about stories continued with teachers and family members who helped me to find different book and series for me to read to get my interest in.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I began wanting to be an author around 9th grade, where I began to write some of my earlies drafts in fantasy. This started due to my English and creative writing classes, where I found a love for creative and fiction writing. I began wanting to share my writing in 11th grade when I met Mr. Kilcup, who encouraged my love of writing and gave me feedback. After that, I went to college and worked with the Western Oregon Writing Center with their tutors, who helped me to learn more about my writing and gave me the courage to publish my work.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Becoming an author was difficult, and I needed to adapt my writing from being academic to be more in my own creative style. I found my own style working with the Writing Center at Western Oregon University and had their help and encouragement to grow as my own author. I learned how to change stories and accept that some of my older work and ideas I would need to rewrite if I wanted to continue that storyline. I needed to learn to accept that not all writing I do can end up in the final product and that I need to work through writing techniques and practice before doing revisions otherwise, I would miss aspects I wanted to change.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Go for it; everyone has different life experiences, and those making new stories and help to share different perspectives. Everyone, if they want, should be allowed to write what they want. Don’t let others discourage you and if you want to become an author.

Tell us about your book/books:

The current book I have out is Marks of a Changing City, but I am working on a sequel book to that called Marks of a Changing Situation. Both books are set in an unnamed area of the pacific northwest and focus on the perspective of the main character Mark. Mark has Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia and is living with a family who doesn’t accept his neurodiversity. He finds acceptance in his surrounding community outside of his family house through the school and local city. As time progresses, the City Mark lives in is becoming more accessible and is adapting to changes needs of its community. This is a realistic fiction story based on different events I and people I know both in-person and online have experienced combined into one story where I try and share how those experiences can impact people differently.


What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I enjoy how varied stories people tell are, how people are able to differently interpret the same writing to have vastly different meanings. I read a lot of alternate universe and fantasy stories which are some of my favorite genres. I love seeing readers get into the various worlds the writers have made and want to learn more about each story and its move forward.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Let yourself be who you are. Don’t let societal expectations stunt your growth. Don’t change how you act around those you trust and who accept you. Let yourself be open with those you have made a new connection with. Keep doing what you love, and you will find a community that accepts and supports who you are.

Where can people connect with you?

Through email to Jakehampsoncreates@gmail.com and over my author Twitter @JakeHCreates. I am currently working on making an author website with my publisher, but that is still under development.


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