G G Collins interview



A little introduction:

G G Collins loves the southwestern US where many of her stories are located. She can be found hiking through ruins of the ancient ones and enjoying New Mexican cuisine. When not traipsing about, she makes up stories with great friendships, quirky characters and, oh yeah, dead bodies. In real life she shares her time with a man, several neurotic—and psychic—cats and the ongoing struggle to grow a garden.

When did your love of books begin?

In childhood. I perpetually had "A Horse of Your Own" checked out of our library. But I also loved fiction. One day I was given Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived in the Castle." It was my introduction to grownup mysteries. I never looked back.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

In my twenties, but my writing wasn't ready yet. I joined a writing group and was helped by a lovely woman in her 70s who wrote teen books. She listened and kindly critiqued. I learned so much from her. I went on to buy books on writing. My favorite was a book by Phyllis A. Whitney, "Guide to Fiction Writing." I still own that book where many others have fallen away.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Having worked for a book publisher, I knew it likely wouldn't be easy. Virtually all manuscripts submitted to a publisher without an invitation or agent, are returned. Our offices had manuscripts stacked on desks, tables, in closets and hallways. Most of the time we didn't even have time to look at them. But I learned the entire process: editing, typesetting, book cover design, marketing and promotion. It is a long journey from manuscript to holding a book in your hands.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Overnight success rarely occurs. But time will go by anyway, so why not write and write until you get it right? The nice thing about fiction, we authors get to tag along on the adventure. I'm a moderately successful book author. Not being a bestseller doesn't deter me from having a great time writing. At the book publisher where I worked we had a bestselling author. You might not believe how hard he worked for that designation. It was a 24/7 job just getting his book out there. So enjoy the process as much as the reward.

Tell us about your book/books:

Working for a book publisher inspired one of my series. The Taylor Browning Cozy Mysteries features a mystery editor. She does a bit of sleuthing on the side. Taylor is slow to understand you can't edit your way out of real murder. In the meantime, she copes with recalcitrant authors, eclectic coworkers and her cat who has been known to get even for the slightest infraction. Interlaced in the narrative are the behind the scenes of book publishing. After I left the book house, I became a reporter. Again, that influenced the second series. The Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries has a harder edge as the Santa Fe reporter solves supernatural mysteries. Rachel is the "Reluctant Medium." She experimented with a Native American ritual to return the dead. It worked, but not how she imagined. Now, she copes with meeting her deadlines and interpreting messages from the spiritual realm.


What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Being on Twitter with other writers is fun. We support one another and have a good time doing it. Some become friends.That's an extra perk. I love it when a reader on Twitter tells me they liked one of my books. That's special and it happens more often now. Try not to be put off when someone reviews your book and finds fault. We can learn a lot from our readers. Not only what we've done right, but what we might need to do. I find that my readers sometimes see things in my work, that I didn't know were there. Fantastic!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you for taking a chance on an author you may not know. It's difficult climbing the bookselling ladder and I appreciate when someone reads my books. I had you in mind the entire time I was writing the story.

Where can people connect with you?

I have two blogs: https://reluctantmediumatlarge.wordpress.com/ my book blog. And https://paralleluniverseatlarge.wordpress.com/ where I do a lot of international TV reviews and leave a few opinions. And there's Twitter: @GGCollins1
My books are available on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback. https://www.amazon.com/G-G-Collins/e/B008C3G3X0/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0


  1. Nice to meet you here. Always lovely when another author joins and shares. Best wishes x


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