Fairy Grandmother: Millie Goes to Antarctica (Fairy Grandmother Series - Book 1) by Marie-Hène Lebeault

Author: Marie-Hène Lebeault

Title: Fairy Grandmother: Millie Goes to Antarctica (Fairy Grandmother Series - Book 1)

Genre/Genres: Children's literature, Picture Book, Children's Fantasy and Magic


A sweet book full of adventure and wonder that kids of all ages will adore!Every Saturday, Millie spends the day at her grandmother's house. There are no toys and no TV, but it's still the best part of her week. You see, grandma is a fairy! With a twirl of her magic spoon, she sends Millie to wherever she wants to go!Don't forget to claim your Bonus Content on the publisher's website at www.beachesandtrailspublishing.com




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