Anthony R. Crisafulli interview


When did your love of books begin?

I was one of those kids who hate reading. I thought this is boring, stop forcing me to read this stuff. But then I got bored one day and picked up a book from a little shelf in my classroom. Once I was allowed to read for myself, I realized it's actually not so bad, that I really WANTED to see how these characters turned out, what the ending would look like.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I used to want to be a game developer. Big gamer, playing all the mainstream stuff when I was young (now I mostly play indie), and I wanted to be responsible for the kind of games I loved so much. Then I realized I hated math, and that I won't do well in that kind of career. Ultimately I realized I just wanted to make stories, and I wanted full control.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

The writing is the easy part. I enjoy it. I also enjoy interacting with everyone on social media. The hard part? Taking criticism, and not getting jealous or discouraged when I see all the big names hogging all the attention and my fellow little names with their ideas getting completely passed up. It's very important to talk to fellow writers, find beta readers. You need someone who can enjoy your stuff even when it's trash, tell you they want you to see you succeed and make it better.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Aside from the above? Don't bother writing something you don't enjoy. It won't get you anywhere. The projects most worth it are the ones you care about. It shows when you don't.

Tell us about your book/books:

I've got several, none published. Lemme list em off', so you know what to expect from me in the future: Burning Ash, the high fantasy epic about a traumatized old wizard who had his magic sealed for a crime he committed going on a journey to stop the second coming of the wars that ruined him. Toys for Blood, which is about a doll come to life learning about the world around her, maybe killing a few kings here and there along the way to find her owner. Rifts Alike, which is about an alien clone who became a space pirate when the war was over and they outlawed cloning, desperately seeking a place in life and finding it when she ends up with some strange cargo. Finally, Rise of a Tyrant, which is about the dark lord of the last light and dark war who gets revived by an annoying sword to go overthrow the hero who slew him turned tyrannical, all for the girl who gave him a reason to keep going. I'm also writing a bunch of shorts which I plan to share soon. I can't share much actual writing from my main projects due to not wanting to ruin my publishing chances, unfortunately.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

That so many of you are so passionate and caring. Like I said above, having someone to support you is incredibly important, especially for building confidence.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

That I hope to meet them soon.

Where can people connect with you?

Right now just on twitter. @Anthony_R_Cris. Also on Tumblr as anthony-r-crisafulli. I'm working on figuring out all the socials. Hopefully I'll be able to get my Facebook and Insta up soon, maybe even actually post some major writing on one of the platforms.


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