Alex Lund interview


When did your love of books begin?

Probably in earnest the first time I read The Lord of the Rings at the age of maybe eight or nine. The realization that an entire world can be created just by using words had a profound impact on me, and I remember reading the story over and over again.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I think I’ve always enjoyed writing, even from the time I could hardly spell. In fact, I still have old notebooks with stories about bank robbers that I wrote all in capital letters during my first year of elementary school.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

For me it was a very conscious decision. One day I simply decided that the time was right, and I got started on my first book. I usually work in a very structured way with clear targets and deadlines, and after a couple of months the story was done and ready for my editor. Since my focus is on emotive writing, I always use first person narrative to really get into the head of the main character. Once I have the setting and basic plot clear, the story tends to write itself based on the decisions and emotions of the main character and the people he or she interacts with. Being based in Japan and having spent most of my life here, my stories are set in local neighborhoods that I’m very familiar with, and finding inspiration has fortunately not been an issue for me.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

If you have the passion to write, I think it really comes down to determination. If I have a lousy day writing, I power through and try to remember that I’ll be a better writer for it tomorrow…as long as I keep writing! 

Tell us about your book/books:

I write contemporary fiction mostly set in Tokyo, my home and the place I love. My stories focus mainly on relationships with loved ones or within a local community, always with a profound emotional and sometimes psychological component. It’s very heartwarming for me when readers tell me they were moved to tears and could really connect with the characters, while feeling as if they were transported to Japan through my stories, especially these times when traveling is difficult. So far I’ve published three books and I’m also writing a lot of flash fiction and short stories, some of which I have shared with my mail subscribers. I will probably publish some of these as a collection of short stories in the future, while I continue to work on my next book also set in Japan.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I’m mainly on Twitter (@AlexLundAuthor). Photography being another passion of mine, I post two photos every day from my endless pursuit of exploring every corner of Tokyo, and I’ve found that these photos are an inspiration not only for my own writing, but also for many of my followers. For me the writing/reading community is a constant source of energy, and I love seeing how people from all across the globe openly share their thoughts and ideas.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you!!

Where can people connect with you?

Twitter: Alex Lund, Author (@AlexLundAuthor) / Twitter

Goodreads: Alex Lund (Author of Loose Ends In Yokohoma) (

Website: Alex Lund. Tokyo based author. Urban explorer. (



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