Will Carson interview


A little introduction:

I'm Will Carson. I have been a creative most of my adult life from writing, to designing and making leather wear, to being a stunt man, and even a board game/RPG developer. My biggest passions all revolve around the arts and helping others make a living in and around the arts.

When did your love of books begin?

I was around 12 and I found my mother's copy of Ogre Ogre. She took it away from me and told me I had 4 other books to read first and handed me A Spell for Chameleon. So I basically learned to read because of Piers Anthony's Xanth series.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I liked creative writing from a young age, but didn't really get the bug to be an author until my early 20's when I was doing a lot of role playing and GMing. The world building and character building was the first step and soon I wanted to create even outside of the games.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Like any other creative process. It takes dedication and putting in the time. But as things come together it is quite fulfilling. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Stop world building and write your story. If you are one of those who doesn't get stuck in the world building phase, then just start writing and remember your first draft is supposed to suck. Accept that it will and get the words on the page. Don't try to edit as you write. They are separate processes.

Tell us about your book/books:

I write everything in the same world from my twisted mythology (all the myths we know are real, but are usually misconstrued, come learn the real stories from their perspective.) to my Waking of the Gods series, which is a character driven story that is delivered by both the antagonists and the protagonists as they hunt down and try to protect the gods respectively. But really at the core of it the books are about personal interaction, empathy, human growth. Also there's some pretty awesome fight scenes.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

On twitter specifically the writing community has been a bastion of positivity (not always sunshine and rainbows, but very supportive) The reading community has also been input driven and I appreciate them all. Outside the virtual realm, I love the reading/writing communities because they generally have a passion for story telling, and/or story consumption, and I dig people being passionate about things.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I hope when you are done reading the things I write, you have laughed, cried, and generally just wanted to hug (or punch) those you've read about. If I have moved you emotionally, my goal has been achieved If I have instilled empathy in you for others, I am content.

Where can people connect with you?

@wakingofthegods on FB/Twitter/insta. www.wakingofthegods.com  https://linktr.ee/WakingoftheGods


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