The Picky Bookworm - our blog about their blog

Blog name: The Picky Bookworm

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A little introduction:

My name is Pamela, aka The Picky Bookworm. I run a book blog, specializing in indie and self-pub books, with a few mainstream books sprinkled in. I love bringing recognition to the indie book community through proofreading, blogging, podcasting, and book inspired gifts and candles.

What made you start your blog? 

I love blogging, and kept looking for the perfect niche that I would enjoy for a long time. Books ended up being the perfect medium for my blogging career, and I have made tons of really great friends through my blog.

Which part of having the blog do you love most?

I love connecting with people, and finding people who love the same things I do is amazing. Through my blog, specifically sharing on social media (twitter), I have made some really great friends. The pandemic made things difficult for a lot of people, but I have felt really blessed to be able to use that time to grow my little corner of the internet. 

Where did the name for your blog come from?

I've always been a picky reader. I tend to read at least 3 books at a time, and I never promise to enjoy a book. Hence, The Picky Bookworm. 

What do you love most about books? 

They provide the perfect escape. Readers can use their imaginations to get out of their own heads for a little while. Getting to talk to others about what I've read, and share those experiences, even in the smallest way, is amazing to me.

What genres do you blog about?

I absolutely love Fantasy, so my readers will see a lot of that. I try to make sure I read books outside of my comfort zone as well, so my blog readers get an ecclectic reading experience.

What are your favourite books?

That's a hard question. I'll list my favorite genres instead: Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery What are your 3 top reads from the last year? The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth, Everlong by R. Raeta, The 13th Zodiac by L. Krauch


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