Ranjana Joshi interview


A little introduction:

Hi, I am Ranjana Joshi. I live in India and spent my childhood in a small town nestled in the Himalayas. I studied Computer Science in my graduation and business administration in my post-graduation. I spent over a decade working as a strategy and planning professional in the corporate world before deciding to spend my time doing what I love – reading and writing!

When did your love of books begin?

My elder sister introduced me to this beautiful world of books when I was in grade 4. It was one of the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton. I never looked back after that and have devoured books ever since.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I have been writing since my childhood – for the school magazine, office newsletters, and the like. I continued to get emotions out of my system as a cathartic process. Serious writing, however, started only in 2020. I started writing a blog (www.intelligentparent.com) and opinion pieces for a news site. I wrote some short stories, and I realized I loved writing fiction. It gave me a sense of fulfillment and happiness like no other, and here I am today, writing novels.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It has been an insightful process. Each character you create is a part of you. You give something away, a part of yourself in each story, while the story gives you a back part of yourself. You evolve as a person with every plot and every character. I know myself better, my desires, my weaknesses, and my strengths with every page I write.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Be honest. It is the most important thing you can do as an author.

Tell us about your book/books:

I have two published books. 

1.     The first is a collection of short stories – The Tales Next Door. It is a set of ten power-packed stories depicting various slices of Indian life. A girl who believes she has committed a murder, a taxi driver in love with his passenger, JD trying to prove a murder in his small town, Adi facing perilous dangers due to his father's gift to him, a strange friendship between an old woman living in a village and a street dog, Kabir's meeting in Connaught Place with the woman he believes is his soulmate, a week of lockdown in the life of Neha and Rohan who are on the brink of divorce, Sita's experience as she becomes a world-famous artist.

2.     The second is a thriller novel, The Spiral of Deception, published in October 2021. It is the story of Aarya, a badass krav maga champion with a software engineering degree and a penchant for punches. She receives a call that her childhood friend, Mira, is missing. She is skeptical that she has the skills to find what happened to Mira. As Aarya and her friend, Sid, sort through the bizarre clues, they enter the murky world of deceit and deception where people don't hesitate to kill and where they hide their true gruesome faces behind a veneer of grace and sophistication. Aarya has only five days to uncover the truth. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love the support that the writing/reading community provides. Writing is a lonely vocation, but with this community, you never feel alone. They are always there to help and support.

Where can people connect with you?

You can connect with me on Twitter: @RJWriter2

I have also just launched my website: www.ranjanajoshi.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20858656.Ranjana_Joshi


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