New Poetry: 2018 issue by Aria Ligi

Author: Aria Ligi

Title: New Poetry: 2018 issue

Genre/Genres: Poetry


NEW ::: POETRY is a non-profit AD-free international magazines network (web/print) and easy-going community featuring the work of never-before-published poets, writers and artists with established and hot-button voices with special focus on classical & "neoterrific" creative stuff, translations, premiers, new genres and experiments (our logo ":::" is 2 colons ":" + 3 ellipses "..."; like a portal to the future and a road to it). We want to bring back gold times of epic and romantic poetry with art titans and interdisciplinary geniuses, to create innovations and new genres in poetry and art, to translate stuff by best poets from all around the globe, to help & promote young talents.



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