My Ideal Holiday - Caroline Rebisz

First of all where are you going? 

Wengen in Switzerland. We will be going in the winter months to ski. We have been there before walking in the summer and we are desperate to visit again.

Are you going on your own or taking people along (if you're taking people then who are you taking)?

I would go with my husband Alan and persuade our two daughters and their partners to join us. If we mention skiing, they will be there!   

How are you getting there?

I would definitely prefer to go by car as the drive through Germany and into the Alps is beautiful. The reality will be that we would probably fly to Geneva and get the train to Wengen. Again another beautiful route and the trains in Switzerland are brilliant.

What 5 books are you taking with you?

As I don't ski but love the whole feeling of a ski holiday I always have a load of books on my kindle. So out of fairness, I will just include the last 5 books I downloaded:
The Elizabeth Tudor Conspiracy - Alexandra Walsh
First Night - Carol Sabik-Jaffe
Anatomy of a Crime -Sibel Hodge
Christmas in Cockleberry Bay - Nicola May
The Missed Kiss - Nicola Lowe 

You've arrived, do you unpack straight away or are you going to leave it until later?

Oh I am a control freak so we definitely have to unpack first. My girls will probably live out of the suitcase but I can't do that.

What are you going to do during your holiday?

I don't ski any more so once everyone has left for the day, I settle down with a good book and coffee. Later I will go walking in the snow and ride the cable cars to meet the troops for lunch up the mountain.

What memento do you bring back from your holiday?

Cheese and chocolate - Swiss versions of both are amazing.  


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