Molly Neely interview


A little introduction:

Molly Neely is the author of the Paranormal novel, "The Sand Dweller," a contributor to the Fall into Fantasy anthology, 2017 & 2019, (Cloaked Press), a contributor to the 2020 & 2021 Annual (Elizabeth River Press) and her short story, "An Heirloom Spirit," is in the collection, "CEA Greatest Anthology Written," which is a contender for a Guinness Book of Worlds Records title.
Molly's poetry can be found in anthologies from Z Press, Literary Alchemy and Animal Heart Press.
When she's not writing novels, Molly enjoys Pre-code films, preparing for the zombie apocalypse and eating pretty much anything with bacon in it. Molly lives in the San Joaquin Valley, with her husband Lyle. 

When did your love of books begin?

My mom used to come home on her lunch hour just to put us to bed and say goodnight. She always read me story, and regularly brought home new books for me to read. So I guess my love for books has been around as long as I have! 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I used to write tons of teenage "oh woe is me" poetry and mountains of short stories in high school. I wasn't really interested in publishing them though. Finally, when I hit my 30's and found my life at sort of a crossroads, so I decided maybe I would try my hand at not just writing the stories, but getting them published. 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

So many would be authors think the process is simple:  write the story down, get published and become ridiculously rich. NOT! The process is long. It has days when the story writes itself. Other days, your creativity dries up like a desert. But every word has a small piece of the author woven in. To be able to share yourself with readers is worth it all day long. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Read! And then write the story you've always wanted to read. Go to writers conventions, join groups, make meaningful contacts and ask questions. Be patient. Remember the first draft is always garbage. But above all, keep writing!! You can't win, if you don't play.

Tell us about your book/books:

My first novel, "The Sand Dweller" is a paranormal/historical novel. Its sequel, "The Orcus Child," will be out early next year. I also have short stories in the "Fall into Fantasy" Anthology series, released by Cloaked Press. My latest offering is a piece in a brand new Cloaked Press Anthology called "Meteor Fall." Pre-order for that is live on Amazon.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

The endless passion. Both readers and writers are notoriously invested in the written word. Everytime I get a message or new follower or a new review, my heart swells. I love that what I write has inspired people.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Yes. I am as weird as my stories.  But, would you have me any other way? 

Where can people connect with you?

I'm in most of the usual places:


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