Meri Benson interview


A little introduction:

Hi and thank you for this opportunity. I'm Meri Benson and I'm a Chicago-land native who loves to read and write. I also love to craft as well, from acrylic painting to jewelry making, as well as making runes to coincide with my Norse book. 

When did your love of books begin?

I've always had a love of books from as early as I could remember. While other kids were going out and playing in the park or digging into the newest video game, I was curled up on my couch engrossed in fantasy worlds that stretched my imagination. I read so much that 'one more chapter' in my house when it was bedtime was answered with 'no, bed, now.' I was also the girl that read in class, and was liked by the teachers enough and getting good grades, that they let me be to read. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I think it was the third or fourth grade that I started to want to write my own stories. Just jotting things down in notebooks and when the school occasionally hosted a short story competition among the English classes, I made sure to participate. I think as a whole I've always wanted to be an author because I love being able to share my stories with people. I love being able to share the worlds I create with others to hopefully visit and enjoy for a spell at least.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I've found the process long, and occasionally an uphill battle both with marketing and with getting the words onto the page. But for the most part the community is an amazing resource to both get your book out if you engage and work with them, but also as a learning resource. I have a couple good author friends that I've leaned on throughout my journey that have been tremendous help just as a support system because they understand the struggles as indie authors themselves. It also leads to sharing tips and tricks we stumble across in the trial-and-error of it all to keep each other from falling into the same pitfall we experienced, or at least how to navigate out of it easier. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Go for it. It's sometimes hard, especially if we're working a full-time job when we start, but if you want to write and become an author start today. Write during your commute on a bus or train to work, get a few words in on your lunch hour as you can, or stay up an hour after the kids are in bed and work on that idea that's been chomping at the back of your brain. You're never too old or young, and your story deserves to be told. 

Tell us about your book/books:

I write a lot of paranormal and/or fantasy because I love exploring all of the different aspects that can be created. I have a few shorts up on Amazon in ebook and on KU that explore werewolves, dragons, and even mermaids. 
And then I also have my debut novel with my friend Marie Sinadjan. It's an urban fantasy steeped in Norse Mythology about two strangers who find themselves trapped in a remote hotel in Norway. It's the first in a trilogy and the first in the shared universe that we have a lot of plans to explore. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love how supportive a lot of the community is - both reading and writing communities, especially because of how close together the two are wound. Writers are, normally, readers too, after all. The community is quick to hold up a new book, indie or traditional, to their followers, and they're quick to help if someone struggles a little with things. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you for giving me and the worlds I have to share with you a chance. I hope that you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. 

Where can people connect with you?

I have most of my social media on my website,


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