Lucy Knott interview


A little introduction:

Hi, my name is Lucy Knott. I write books from the heart that I hope will make you smile, feel cosy, uplifted and happy. I adore reading and some of my favourite authors are Katie Ginger, Sophie Gonzalez, Casey McQuiston and Maxine Morrey. I’m a twin, a teaching assistant and only a little obsessed with Harry Styles. When I’m not working, writing or reading, I’m skateboarding, cooking/eating all the Italian food and spending time with my family.

When did your love of books begin?

I’ve always loved reading since I was little. I still have many books from my childhood that I treasure and can’t wait to share with my own kids one day. Harry Potter definitely captured my imagination as a teen and made me love reading that much more and then in my twenties I absolutely adored romance stories and got sucked in by small towns and these cosy worlds. These days, I am captivated by the worlds that books can take you to. I love getting lost in a book, connecting with characters or seeing the world from a whole new perspective and learning about all the wonderful people in it.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

Ever since I read ‘On the Road’ by Jack Kerouac when I was sixteen, I knew I wanted to write a book. It was always on my list of things I wanted to do. When I was around twenty-five/twenty-six, I was thoroughly immersed in the book world, writing reviews and falling in love with so many authors and stories that they inspired me to finally put pen to paper.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Becoming an author was a wonderful rollercoaster ride of emotions. The process has taught be so much about resilience, staying strong, believing in myself and my stories and not giving up. Everyone’s journey is different and I have been so fortunate to have been able to meet so many incredible editors and to work with two awesome publishers, but the doubts and imposter syndrome are always there and sending out manuscripts is a very scary process, but there is always that sense of excitement and dreaming big that keeps you pushing forward.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

It’s so important not to give up on the stories in your heart. Someone out there needs your story and at first that person might simply be you, so write and keep writing with all the love in your heart and don’t think about the end product. Do it for you, write your book for you and know that it matters. Your story one thousand percent matters. I simply say, don’t give up, there will be good days and bad days and that’s ok, but you have absolutely got this. You truly can do it!!

Tell us about your book/books:

I currently have five books published with my sixth coming out next year. I’ll try and summarise:

‘How to Bake a New Beginning’ – My debut novel about three sisters who are struggling to follow their hearts in work and in love. After a loss in their family, they take a trip to Italy where they connect and face their fears and set about making big changes in their lives. Full of Italian Christmas traditions, food, family and love.

‘The Ingredients for Happiness.’ – The sequel to ‘How to Bake a New Beginning,’ we meet back up with the three sisters as they embark on making their dreams come true, from opening a cafĂ©, starting their own music managing business and taking part in their first catwalk. More Italian delights, sisterly love and shenanigans are involved.

‘Wishes Under a Starlit Sky.’ – Harper Hayes has been struggling after a rough breakup, so her best friend Madi decides they need to go and visit her family in Breckenridge Colorado. There they meet a group of women with wonderful and inspiring stories and Harper begins to understand the meaning of self-love and being in control of her own story. Full of Cosy Colorado Christmas Festivities, beautiful friendships and self-discovery.

‘One Snowy Week in Springhollow.’ – Scarlett is a comic book loving, skateboarding nerd who dreams of breaking free from her job one day and illustrating her own comic books for a living but nobody knows any of this, except for her very best friend who left her ten years ago when his family moved to New York when they were 16. When Devon returns to town, secrets are spilled, feelings are awry and mischief is unavoidable.

‘The Little Barn of Dreams.’- Florence Danver is a bookworm through and through and struggles navigating the real world. After being let go from her 9-5 office job she takes a trip to Camp Calla Lily where she is forced to face her past and embrace who she is. There she meets Jo Hadlee and together they experience the most whimsical adventures and begin to build the life they both envision but it’s not without it’s bumps in the road.

‘Love Lessons in Starcross Valley’ – Coming February 3rd. Marnie Barnes doesn’t believe in love anymore after her relationship of ten years comes to an end and her parents separate, so she escapes to Canada where she meets a woman with a fierce love of dinosaurs and the ability to make her feel seen, and it’s hard to ignore the spark. But with the hunt for a new job and fixing her life back home needing to take priority and the fact that they live 4000 miles apart, love is clearly not on the cards…or is it?

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love that everyone’s voice is so beautifully unique and I love when getting to engage with authors and readers who are encouraging, positive and uplifting. It makes me smile when authors champion other authors books and I am in awe of the wonderful readers who shout from the rooftops about their favourite stories, they often go above and beyond for authors and it’s such an inspiring thing to see.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you for being so incredibly awesome, for giving my stories a chance and for doing all that you do in sharing my books and supporting them and me. It truly means everything to me and I wish I could give you all a big hug!

Where can people connect with you?

You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at either @LucyCKnott or @TheBlossomTwins or check out mine and my sisters blog


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