J.S. Burke interview


A little introduction:

Hi! I'm J.S. Burke. I've worked as an author, artist, and marine biologist, studying creatures of the dark abyss and diving on coral reefs. My stories blend fantasy with real science and author experiences. I live with my family, rescue companions, and dragons!

When did your love of books begin?

I've loved books since I was a child; they seemed magical.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

A few years ago, a friend wrote a book and I helped edit. That made writing a book seem doable. Then one day, I was admiring a roundish crystal rock in the center of my blue ceramic bowl. Suddenly I knew this was a dragon's nest. Ideas flowed in and I began writing my own book. This became "The Dragon Dreamer" by J.S. Burke: upbeat science fantasy.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I've enjoyed learning the nuts and bolts of writing a novel. I love sharing my own stories and contributing to the reading options.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Writing a novel is a learned art, so just start writing and rewriting. Study the books you love. How does the author make their characters likable? How do they write dialogue? Learn the craft. Polish your book until it shines!
Join Goodreads as a reader and change your profile to "author" when you are published. I wish you the best of success!

Tell us about your book/books:

"THE DRAGON DREAMER", "DRAGON LIGHTNING", and "DRAGON THUNDER" are stand-alone books in the award-winning Dragon Dreamer series. This upbeat science fantasy has dragons and an undersea world, for young adults 9 to 99.
"WINTER'S CHILD" is my newest book, an original fairytale written in rhyming verse with fantasy illustrations. It's perfect for the winter holidays! The illustrations include my fantasy snowflakes that are in the FANTASY SNOWFLAKES COLORING BOOKS.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Members of the writer community are usually supportive of other writers and, of course, We Love Readers!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you so much for visiting my worlds!
Writers work hard to produce a book. Was it worth all that effort? When a reader contacts us on social media to let us know they enjoyed our book (even better, if they've posted a rating), this Makes Our Day!!!

Where can people connect with you?

Please visit my WEBSITE!
I have a New Story Post: Black Lightning and Dragon Swords.
Follow me on          GOODREADS:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8283255.J_S_Burke


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