G. Quinn Rogers interview


When did your love of books begin?

My love of books began when I was small and my Dad would read to me every night.  Sometimes, we would invent stories and it was a special time for me.  He actually loved to write and I have a few of his works.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

It started at a young age but I let it lapse for years.  It was when I became a parent myself that the urge came back.  I would read to our 2 children each night.  The usual stories became boring to them, so I would write them a new story every week for bedtime.  Once a week, usually on the weekends, they got a story written by me at bedtime.  I loved the special moments with them and my love of writing came back.  I've been writing on and off for a few years after that, but the past 2 years is when I've been writing more.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I've not published my 2 works in progress yet, but I have had one story, The Forgotten Forest, published in an anthology with other writers for Story Time for Grownups by Jacqueline Belle.  I'm working on getting these 2 finished, but I will self publish them.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I would tell anyone to follow your dreams, don't give up on yourself.  Even if others don't believe you can do it, follow your heart and prove them wrong.  If you never take the chance, then you never know what you can accomplish.  You will only limit yourself by not trying, have faith and go for your dreams.

Tell us about your book/books:

My 1st one will be called Whispers in the Wind, a short book of poetry and stories about life.  My 2nd book I'm working on doesn't have a title yet.  I'm trying to decide whether to make it a children's book or a short story book about farm life, since we recently bought a working farm with chickens.  I'm still undecided yet, but I'm writing a little bit of both and will see which one I like best.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love the writing community because they support everyone.  If you have a problem, then there's many kind authors willing to lend a helping hand.  I've been welcomed with open arm and have made many wonderful friends throughout this special community of writers.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Always go with your gut, if something doesn't feel right, change it.  Never stop believing in your own capability to accomplish anything you desire.  You're only limited by your own limits that you put on yourself.  Always give yourself space and take a chance on yourself.

Where can people connect with you?

You can connect with me on my blog at GQuinnRogers.Wordpress.com or at Twitter @Quinnqueens.


  1. Hello Quinn. I enjoyed reading your interview, my friend.


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