Douglas Kent interview


A little introduction:

I'm Douglas Kent. I'm the author of two memoirs: "It's Their House; I'm Just a Guest" (2014) and "Helplessly Hoping" (2020). There is another author or two out there who share my name, so if you like their books pretend I wrote those ones too.

When did your love of books begin?

As early as I can remember. Dr. Seuss, Ant and Bee books by Angela Banner...books have been a love for my entire life.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

While I used to write short stories, the only "real" writing I ever planned was a memoir about my family and childhood. I've been planning (or threatening) to write that book for over twenty years. Sady it may never be written, as each of my siblings now objects to certain stories being told. But I'll probably attempt it anyway, even if it is just for "internal use only."
As for what finally pushed me to do some "real" writing: I got tired of people asking me what prison was like. I decided to put it in a book, and that way I could tell them "read the book and find out!"

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Writing is not easy for me, because I have a general dislike of anything I write. So the only way I can accomplish anything is to avoid correcting or editing ANYTHING until a project is finished. THEN I can start the editing process. Even reading back a page or two can send me into a delete/repair/rewrite eternal programming loop.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Write now, plan later.

Tell us about your book/books:

"It's Their House; I'm Just a Guest" is a memoir about my time as a guest of the Federal Prison system. It's much more about what being there was like, and less about HOW I got there (although I explain that too). Think of it as Orange is the New Black but without the neverending plot devices that could NEVER happen in a real prison.
"Helplessly Hoping" is the story of my first love and first marriage. More specifically, it's the story of my first wife, and the struggles we went through trying to deal with her mental and physical illnesses (and learning about the consequences of the sexual abuse she had suffered as a child). I hope I did Mara's story justice.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

It's a very supportive community, as so many of us struggle with self-doubt, confusion, depression, and vague insecurities. It always helps to know you're not alone.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I'm sorry, in advance, for what you are about to read. And of course, if you enjoy either of my books PLEASE leave ratings and reviews. And tell people. Ratings, reviews, and word-of-mouth are the lifeblood of independent authors.

Where can people connect with you?

The easiest place is Twitter (@itstheirhouse). I also have a bland website at where I announce anything major.


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