BooklyMatters - our blog about their blog

Blog name: BooklyMatters

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Social media: IG @BooklyMatters Twitter @BooklyMatters

What made you start your blog?

I recently retired and decided to turn my love of books into something a little more formal.

Which part of having the blog do you love most?

I love getting feedback from and supporting new and Indie authors.

Where did the name for your blog come from? 

It just popped into my head and I loved the feel of it - books can be so weighty and meaningful to me (they matter, and deal with important matters!) but the name is also tongue-in-cheek as they are just plain fun!

What do you love most about books? 

Books with strong characterizations are like meeting new people, forming connections, and learning about what life means to others.

What genres do you blog about?

I will read and blog about pretty much anything including Fiction, Biography,  any form. Of Non Fiction, YA, picture books.  (The exceptions would be Christian Fiction and erotica.)

What are your favourite books?

Pride and Prejudice, The Brain that Changed Itself, and anything by Oliver Sacks.

What are your 3 top reads from the last year?

It’s so hard to choose, but stand-outs include: The Last Thing He told me by Laura Dave, The Impossible Truths of Love by Hannah Beckerman, Swimming Back to Trout River by Linda Rui Feng


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