AUTHOR INTERVIEW A little introduction: My name is Francessca Bella, author of Mazarine Dreamer, and I'm creative, writerly, artistic, studious, organized, striving, productive, insightful, an INTJ, and I thrive with verbomania. My favorite words are rarissima , fanasticality, peachy-keen, vivace , and automagical. When did your love of books begin? Books and art filled my mind, time, and imagination since childhood when I read voraciously and drew daily. My imagination always was activated and kept active through the creative mediums. When did you start to have the wish to become an author? I lived as uniquely as fiction, residing in a new state, a new world, every other month and loving it; despite going to 36 different schools I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and went to college where my desire to become an author began with my mother as my inspiring encouragement-giver and co-writer. Looking back now, 29 manuscripts later, it seems li...
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