Subha Murugan interview


A little introduction:

I am Subha Murugan, author of Glimpses Of Hues, a book on collection of Haikus. I am a cheerful mom and a passionate woman, currently living in USA. I was born and brought up in India, obtained Bachelor of Engineering degree from Anna University and later worked as an IT professional. I took a break from my profession explored my deepest passion in writing, now in the process of discovering myself through my poems.

When did your love of books begin?

I do not remember exactly when my love towards books began. May be those childhood days when I woke up early on weekends, waited for the weekend magazines, rushed to the door before my parents, grab it and read it at a go even before I finished my daily chores; may be those middle school days, when I started reading my academic books, completed the whole book even before my teacher proceeded with the next lessons; may be those college days, read novels the whole night without sleeping and struggled to focus during the class hours. Even though my preference towards genre changed over the period, one thing never changed, the love towards reading.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?  

While I pursued writing as one of my hobbies from my young days, my wish to become an author started two years back. In 2019, I started a blog on my own and started posting my blog posts. The appreciation from my family, friends and neighbors kindled my passion, motivated and directed me to take this new journey in my life.

How have you found the process for becoming an author? 

It is an evolution. The process of becoming an author does not end once the manuscript is submitted for editing. It is just a starting phase. An author has to travel different phases, undergo different emotions and finally when the book is published, a thought might flash as a sigh of relief, ‘Yes! I am done’. But it is not, the process continues: book promotion, getting the book in the hands of readers, waiting for reviews and parallelly coming up with an idea of writing a new book and again the cycle repeats. As an author, I love all those phases and enjoy the pleasure of bringing my book to the outside world.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?  

Do not stop. Never give up. Go ahead. Write… You are there.

Tell us about your book/books:

“Glimpses of Hues” is the collection of Haikus revolving around the nature and physical world that can be interpreted and related to one’s life and existence. These haikus expresses feelings, emotions, inward thoughts including positive and negative aspects of life.

It is for the readers and nature lovers to feel and understand, ponder and wonder in what the haiku expresses. It could be seen from the readers point of view and hence no right or wrong in the way one interpret. The book is dedicated to all who sees life through nature.

It is available now worldwide in Amazon for everyone to buy, ultimately delight in reading and fathom the depth of haikus.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I feel great being part of writing/reading community, getting to know other author’s work and helping to explore new books on different genre. The community is supportive and well-connected network that helps each other grow, evolve and progress.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

A book is completed only in the hands of readers. First, I would like to thank the readers for reading my book and supporting me in this long journey. I would also request them to support the authors by providing their valuable feedback/reviews and encourage the author’s creativity.

Where can people connect with you?  




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