Preeti Singh interview


A little introduction:

Preeti Singh

French interpreter | writer-journalist | artist

Actively engaged in writing scripts, language translation and other creative pursuits.  Being multilingual, she speaks English, French, Hindi, and few other regional languages with ease, and also a debutante in romance languages.

When did your love of books begin?

Back in high school days, I enjoyed reading the sonnets and plays written by Shakespeare. As I grew older my keenness in literature evolved, I opted the subject for my graduate degree and earned a certificate of honour for securing the highest rank.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

As a kid, I participated in many writing competitions and won a few of them. In my journalism program, I acquired a professional training in the field of creative writing but never thought of becoming an author. It was in 2017, when I received a business proposal by a publisher from the states to translate books from French to the English language and thereafter I decided on having a book under my name. 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

So far so good, I enjoy every bit of it! From working on an idea to it's conversion into a the full-blown manuscript is a process in itself that gives out incredible results when you let the story dictate itself, they say the story is not written but it writes itself. If you follow the rhythm it takes you to the niches that were unknown to you at the inception of the idea.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

If you cherish it, it flourishes. When you enjoy writing it, the readers will enjoy reading it! Pretty similar to a mirror effect - what you give is what you get. 

Tell us about your book/books:

‘In the Darkness’ is a book trilogy that elucidates the journey of a woman drifting from darkness to light. Her expedition of unearthing the light in the dark culminates an arduous journey. The introductory edition of the series is titled ‘Lost in the Dark’, followed by the books - ‘Digging in the Dark’ and ‘Light in the Dark’.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Intelligent people, the intellect they share in the community keeps me hooked. I love such communities, there is so much to learn from each other and to admire at the same time. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Every story has something more to say than what it says on the surface. If you dig deep you would understand it better.

Where can people connect with you?

I am not active on social media, not my thing. But, feel free to drop me a mail at  


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