Meet the community - Rohan O'Duill

A little introduction:

Hi, my name is Rohan. As soon as I could read, I wanted to become an author. But when I started school, I was told I wasn't any good at writing. It would be years later when I found out I was dyslexic. So, I gave up on my dream and started a twenty five year career as a chef. Last year I decided to follow that dream from my youth and I wrote a space opera called Cold Rush.

What made you fall in love with books?

I grew up in the countryside and started out being homeschooled. I started reading novels early, and I became obsessed straight away, books were a way to meet imaginary friends and journey into the rest of the world.

Which genres do you prefer to read?

My favourite genre is Sci-Fi and fantasy, but I read all kinds of fiction, I also love non-fiction history books.

What are your favourite books you've read so far and why? 

I am terrible at picking a favourite anything. But books that I have really enjoyed lately are The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie and the Rivers of London Series by Ben Aronovic.

What characters have you most loved in the books you've read to date and why?

I love flawed heroes and bad guys that are not actually evil. Nobody is perfect, and I think there are very few truly evil people out there, so I love to show this reflection of reality.

What made you decide to become a part of our little book based community?

I don't know any authors in real life, so I went online to find writing friends. I have met so many supportive people in the book based community. It has been a fantastic journey.

What do you love most about the book community?

The comradery, and the support. I could post up now about a query rejection, and twenty people would give me encouragement and advice. It is such a friendly place. I am so happy to be part of it.

Where can people connect with you?

I am active on Twitter as @rohan_oduill


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