Justin Doyle interview


A little introduction:

I'm Justin Doyle, author of Embargo on Hope, and an engineer who works at NASA on the Gateway space station. I have a beautiful wife and daughter, as well as two giant puppies and a rabbit. 

When did your love of books begin?

I can't remember a time when I didn't love reading. I've had some lulls, sure, especially in high school with all of the required reading, but I can thank my parents for getting me into reading young.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I was writing as early as elementary school, but it really took off in middle school, thanks especially to T.A. Barron's The Lost Years of Merlin series. I knew then that I wanted to work at NASA and write on the side, which is where I've ended up! 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Anyone can be an author. The process for progressing from "writer" to "author" requires commitment, patience, and luck. The bad thing is it can be really frustrating sometimes, but the good thing is anyone can get there with those qualities.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Two things: 1. Just write. When you have ideas, right them down. If you have bits of a scene or a character, capture them. If you have an actual story, get it to paper. Don't worry if it flows yet, you can always fix that later!
2. If you're not writing, learn. Learning can be through reading often, or it can be through taking classes, reading books, or joining writing groups. Even if you don't necessarily incorporate what someone says, you make find a take on it that is wholly your own.

Tell us about your book/books:

My debut novel, Embargo on Hope, is a young adult sci-fi/fantasy adventure following 16-year old Darynn as he overcomes the traitorous deeds of his previously heroic father. With the help of his clairvoyant friend, Fyra, and alien mentor Kaylaa, he learns that he has great powers and that his society has secrets that have been buried deep for hundreds of years. The novel resolves the primary conflict by the end, but is actually the first in what will be a trilogy, with the second part coming out in 2022. 
Embargo on Hope is available online at all major retailers, including Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Embargo-Hope-Justin-Doyle-ebook/dp/B097Z34GQW

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Everyone has a unique taste, which means some people will be fans who dive deep into every detail, some people are here for the romance, and some just want the plot to move along without all of the description. It's hard to write a book that pleases all three, but also, you don't have to!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

First, I just want to say I appreciate them even giving my work a shot. The world is inundated with books, and it's easy to go to the names that you know or are being pushed by the big publishers. Second, I'd love to hear from them! What did they like, what didn't they like, what could I do better? Which characters or places or weapons would they love to know more about?

Where can people connect with you?

I send out the most information to my email subscribers. You can join here:

I also put out information on social media. My Instagram is a bit more about my life and what I'm reading, my Facebook focuses on major events related to my writing, and my Twitter is geared toward writing progress and random thoughts. I'm also on Goodreads, so if you want to keep up with what I've read or I'm reading, we should connect there!

Embargo on Hope is available for a discounted price for a limited time only, so don't miss this deal!


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