Claude Bouchard interview


A little introduction:

I’m Claude Bouchard, born, raised, and still living in the Montreal (Canada) area. In a prior life, I worked in the corporate world, mainly in human resources management. In 2008, my employer moved our jobs to India and, while I pursued other employment, I published three books I had written long before then continued to write and publish more. Along the way, I realized I had a new job, that of author, and never looked back. 

When did your love of books begin?

While in kindergarten, my parents had signed me up for a book of the month thing and I remember the excitement whenever a new book showed up in the mail. I moved on to the Bobbsey Twins, Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, etc. and have never stopped reading since. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

In 1995, I had an idea for a book and wrote Vigilante in eight weeks. I followed up with two others in the same series over the next year or two, even did some agent querying but eventually put that aside with fulltime work and university studies demanding all my time. As mentioned above, I pulled out my long-dormant manuscripts in 2009, revised them and self-published then kept on going. My series now has sixteen volumes with more to come. I’ve also written a standalone and am currently working on another. 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It certainly has been interesting. When I initially published my first book, my primary goal was simply to see my work in true book format. I ordered sufficient copies to give as gifts to family and friends and was proud of my accomplishment. I never expected to sell enough books to make a living but a dozen years and almost 650K books later, I can’t complain. From writing to editing to cover design to marketing, it certainly has been a learning experience. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Do it because you love to write, keep your expectations in check and be open to criticism. Not everyone will love your work as much as you do. 

Tell us about your book/books:

My Vigilante series revolves around the Discreet Activities team, a clandestine government group which deals with criminals deserving a darker kind of justice. I’ve also written Asylum, the story of the head of psychiatric institution who abandons his professional obligations to try to win back his family. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Through social media, I’ve become friends with many writers and readers, several whom I’ve even had to pleasure to meet. There are many wonderful folks out there. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

If you could say anything to your readers, what would it be? 

Where can people connect with you?




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Amazon (author page): 


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