Ceri - My Dinner Party

Where are you holding your dinner party?

That would have to be Hogwarts - it's got such a magical atmosphere which I think is perfect for the occasion!

What's the occasion you are holding the dinner party for?

Christmas, of course! I love this time of year.

Who are your five guests and why are they invited?

I think they'd have to be Holly Jackson, Leigh Bardugo, V.E. Schwab, Sophie Gonzales and Kara Thomas. They're all some of my favourite authors, and I'd love to have the opportunity to pick their brains about their work!

What food are you serving?

Well, for a starter I think we'd have something relatively simple, like a soup. For our main course we'd have a full Christmas roast, with turkey and pigs in blankets served with some vegetables (and of course a vegan alternative). Finally, for dessert we'd have something fun... Jelly and ice cream!

What's your cocktail or mocktail for the dinner party?

A classic snowball cocktail, perfect for Christmas.

What music are you having played during your dinner party?

Some lively Christmas music to get us into the festive spirit!

You've raised a book to have a bit of a discussion about, which book is it and why?

That's tricky! I might have to go with my most recent read, More Than Mistletoe, though - I think it would be really interesting to hear everyone else's thoughts on the analogy and it would be so much fun picking apart the different short stories.

It's time for bed, what book are you retiring to your bed with?

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. After all that Christmas talk, I'll be dying to pick it up for a reread!


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