Carolyn Croop interview


A little introduction:

Hi! I am Carolyn Croop – Mother, Author, Creator, Imaginative Grandmother.

I began writing poetry at age twenty-one for two years and set it aside to focus on motherhood and my prior career at Eastman Kodak Company. As a single mother who raised three children with the help of family and friends, I am the proud mother of Timothy, Lisa and Michelle and the proud grandmother of Piper, Harper, Skye and Rocky.

My first book, "MAPS: Mystery, Adventure, Poetry, Suspense", was published in February 2017.  My second book, “ATLAS: Poems That Map The Way To Your Heart,” was published in 2019, and "GPS: Great Poems & Stories" was published in 2020.  My first novel, "A Mystery on Gray Street" was also published in 2020 as well as "The Ride of Our Lives."  My newest book, "Crossing Gray Street" was published in 2021.  It is currently only in e-book format, but will be out in paperback and hardcover soon.

When did your love of books begin?

The moment that I could read my first book, which was "The Little Auto" by Lois Lenski, I loved reading.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

By first grade, I knew I wanted to be an author.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I found the process difficult at first. For years, I would write something down and then crumple it up and throw it out. I had to be in the right place in life. When I was certain I was ready to focus on it to the fullest, it took a year to discover my own personal process. It began by creating music playlists that told a story based on song titles. From there I wrote lyrical prose stories until I eventually was able to write stories in complete sentences. I also wrote poetry as "break time" from story writing.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Go for it! Find your own personal writing style. Don't buy in to set rules. Some people say you need to write everyday. I personally need more flexibility than that. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Tell us about your book/books:

I wrote a novel, two novellas, 70 short stories and over 200 poems. I have a series called "Gray Street". It's about a woman named Adalyn who rides the ghost train and ventures into heaven. She is the only one alive amongst ghosts and angels. I also have books devoted to short stories and poetry. They touch on the subjects of romance, friendship, time travel, heartache, and magic.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love that the writing/reading community is extremely supportive of one another. It is not competitive.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I hope my books are inspirational, educational and entertaining. I appreciate feedback.

Where can people connect with you?

If you visit my website, there will be links to my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.


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