C. Soto interview


When did your love of books begin?

I have loved books since a kid.  My favorite times where the scholastic book fair at school and cant not forget the personal pan pizza from book-it for reading the required amount of books for that month.  Which i probably easily did in a week!

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I have always thought how cool it would be to be an author.  However, just never really saw myself as the creator of a story.  However, i love nooks and they have helped me tremendously in life forget worries even if for a short bit of time.

Last year, i decided to jump in to help create a story that hopefully can help others lose themselves in the pages.  To me that is so magical!

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Being an Indie author, it is a lot of time, effort, and money.  I do everything from writing the story, editing, finding beta and ARC readers to advertising and promoting my book.  However, i am investing in myself since i believe its worth the effort to get my stories out there!

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I would encourage people to first and foremost believe in yourself and just know that sang, people won't support you until it's popular to do so.  If you have friends and family that aren't supportive, that's okay, do it anyways because your worth it!
Also, take your time on the journey.  Ensure you have a following, know how to advertise your work and take time with editing (either hire an editor or at least buy editing software) to make sure you have a polished finish before sharing!

Tell us about your book/books:

My two books are a three book series.  They are crime fiction.  One of my main characters is a psychic who ends up working with the FBI to find serial killers.
Also, included is the romance that each of the characters will have.  Readers can enjoy the crime aspect, sprinkled with psychic powers to help the FBI catch the murderer, along with the story of the characters falling in love.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

People in the writing and reading community have been so supportive and kind.  I have made wonderful friends.  Those are definitely my kind of people, whose hearts are in pages of a book.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

That I appreciate each one of you.  I am grateful for each review that you have left.  It is so important to authors to have reviews left on our books so Amazon will suggest it to others.
I am so appreciative of each like, comment, or share of my book.  If it wasn't for my readers there'd be no audience.

Where can people connect with you?



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