Meet the community - Fraser

A little introduction:
Hi all, I am Fraser and I am an avid reader who has enjoyed reading from a young age but found myself getting more and more into it over the years after I hit my 30s.

What made you fall in love with books?
After moving to secondary school I found myself struggling with bullying and constantly feeling like an outsider.  I tried to lose myself in education but found myself being shot down by teachers for thinking differently than others and my English teacher specifically telling me I had interpreted a book incorrectly.  I was eventually diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and so began to stop putting myself out there in the attempt to make friends as I just felt I would muck things up thanks to always being put down by everyone during my teen years, however, reading books allowed me to lose myself in different worlds and to learn to accept that I could take what I would take from a book rather than being told I was wrong in my interpretation of things.

Which genres do you prefer to read?
I genuinely like challenging myself and have read all sorts of books across most genres as I feel that limiting myself to certain genres could mean missing out on something amazing.

What are your favourite books you've read so far and why?
I loved the Tethers trilogy by Jack Croxall and found this to almost flick a switch in me that opened my eyes to different takes on genres I already read.  I loved 12 Dates of Christmas as by Lisa Dickenson as it was something completely new for me to try and I found it was a really amazing read.  I would say I could list so many as I genuinely have loved books by Deek Rhew, Erin Rhew, Sharon Sant, Kai Strand, Jane Yates and many more.  I review over on the Feed My Reads blog and Goodreads account so if you're interested in my reads I've loved they are listed there.

Which characters have you most loved in the books you've read to date and why?
I love many but I'd have to say I found The Black Petal series by Dan Thompson to have the best characters as the character development continued throughout whilst not feeling forced.

What made you decide to become a part of our little book based community?
I love the book community and have long felt creating a place where authors, bloggers, publishers, editors, artists, readers and more can all meet and have a safe space full of positivity and support, due to this I created the Feed My Reads community and began to develop it with the use of my different brain that teachers put me down for so much.

What do you love most about the book community?
You guys are all amazing as you don't judge and instead see people as being allowed their own opinions and you actually support and encourage it.  I truly hope that the Feed My Reads community can continue to grow and that you feel it is an important part of the book community too.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this as I genuinely do appreciate it.


  1. Your honesty is refreshing, Fraser. Don't let anyone put you down, you are a unique and generous person and what you're doing with this blog is amazing!

    1. Really appreciate the support Gillian. It took time to get there but I am now accepting I am me and if people don't like it then that means I am probably doing something right as it means I am not fading into the background lol

  2. I, too, struggled with bullying and constantly feeling like an outsider. Look at us now, Fraser 😊 Thank you for all you do.

  3. Thank you, appreciate that it resonates with people


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